Saturday, September 25, 2010
"My vacation"
You don`t believe that,my summer vacation was so splendiferios,but don`t bankable one place.I travelled to many fantastic place with my family,to countryside of fatherland and abroad.
The first place we stopped at "HAMRIIN HIID",is the center of energy in the Dornogovi aimag of Mongolia.This aimag is hot and sticky,also quite sandy,seem to me,may cause,it`s aimag of Gobi.Gobi is like Texas.kkk.There are ancient temples and a lot of things.I didn`t think so,but there are variety of Sakura,is the Japan`s wood.And there is the cave,named "EHIIN UMAI".Elders and doctors says,if people entered in there,they will have reborn as out from there.
The next place is "Shaamar",the village of Selenge aimag.Actually,this place wasn`t very wonderful.When I was there,it`s raining for day and night,in one day.However,there was very hot and sunny for other days.So,grass had cutting my feet,because of its had fadden.As well as,we have late from our train.I scarried in this awful place,forever.Fortunality,we didn`t.Also,I screamed and cried.Because of my brother has swat on the horse`s tail,when I was riding a horse.I thought that I will die.This event happened,by the way we was going to "EEJ MOD",with many 'hadag'.The "EEJ MOD" seem very fantastic.I said my wishes to the "EEJ MOD",and must arrive there constantly for 3years.If you can do it,your wish will be materialize.When I was there,I felt quietness and was very happy.
The last place is Tokyo,Japan.I wish,I will live and study there soon,it`s possible thing.That`s why,I went to the Japan with my closer people.Of course,there was marvellous like I imagined about it.Tokyo is hustle and bustle,and modernist city.It`s got enormous buildings enough.The people are very kind,clement and garish.Why did I think they`re garish?teenagers wear emo clothes and have got long,brushy and colourful hair.The weather is hot and sticky,however,it rain often.I will IT-engineer,so I`m happy went to the Asian country famous for development of technology in the world.
Finally,I visited in the city of the Virginia area of the USA.Roanoke is very small and quietness city.My uncle live there with his family.His name is Badam-Ochir,wife`s name is Amaraa and names of my cousins are Goo-Erdene/American name is Jenny/and Undram/Emma/.They have a lot of places seen to me.For example, Disneyland.I needn`t talk about it.But one thing,if you decided to go to the Disneyland,you would need $60,solely.So,you will can be with all toys.It`s wonderful and I thought it`s high development country,blatant.The weather nice,warm and sunny,sometimes,it`s littleness raining.The people are kind.This country,I like it.
When I think about it,my vacation was so beautiful,adventure and unforgettable.Also,I should say it,our country is very special more than foreign countries.So,we must love and proud of these special things and think we are fortune people.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Англиар ярихдаа гаргадаг бидний алдаанаас
Англи хэл эхлэн сурч байхдаа бид монголоороо сэтгэж англи өгүүлбэр зохиодог тул хэл зүйн алдаанаас гадна найруулга зүй болон логик алдаа нилээд гаргадаг. Тэр бүхний нийтлэг жишээнүүдээс иш татаж энд гаргахдаа эхний өгүүлбэр нь монгол сэтгэхүйгээр бидний хэлсэн зүйлийг америк хүн яаж илэрхийлдэгийг хоёрдахь өгүүлбэрт харьцуулан тавив.
Нар зүүн зүгээс гардаг.
Буруу: The sun rises from the East.
Зөв: The sun rises in the East.
Бид далай руу явсан.
Буруу: We went to the ocean.
We went to the beach.
Энэ миний өрөөний түлхүүр.
Буруу: This is the key of my room.
This is the key to my room.
Энэ салатыг хэн хийсэн бэ?
Буруу: Who cooked this salad?
Who made this salad?
Танай машин зайтай юу?
Буруу: Is there any place for me in your car?
Is there any room for me in the car?
Би завтай.
Буруу: I have a free time.
I am free. I’m not busy.
Та надад үүнийг уншаад өгөхгүй юу? Бололгүй яахав.
Буруу: Would you mind reading it for me? Yes, certainly.
Would you mind reading it for me? Of course not. Not at all.
Бид маргааш сонсголын шалгалттай.
Буруу: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow.
We'll have a listening test tomorrow.
Надаас ялгаатай нь тэр англиар чөлөөтэй ярьдаг.
Буруу: Different from me, she is good in English.
Unlike me, she is proficient in English.
Ихэнх америкчууд том хамартай.
Буруу: Most Americans have big noses.
Most Americans have long noses.
Энэ хоосон сандал уу?
Буруу: Is this chair empty?
Is this seat taken?
Тэр надад найрсаг хандсан.
Буруу: He treated me very friendly.
He treated me in a friendly way
Энэ бол дэлхийн хамгийн том их дэлгүүр.
Буруу: This is the biggest department store of the world.
This is the largest department store in the world.
Тэр сайжирсан.
Буруу: He becomes better.
He got better.
Танд амралтаа ав гэж зөвлөх байна.
Буруу: I recommend you to take a vacation.
I recommend that you take a vacation.
Би ногоон өнгөнд дуртай.
Буруу: I like green color.
I like green.
Хүүхдэд үүнийг ойлгох хэцүү.
Буруу: Little children are difficult to understand that.
It is difficult for children to understand that.
Зүлгэн дээр бүү гишгэ.
Буруу: Don't step on the grass.
Keep off the grass.
Би сард хоёр удаа цалин авдаг.
Буруу: I get my salary twice a month.
I get paid twice a month.
Судсыг чинь барьж үзье.
Буруу: Let me examine your pulse.
Let me feel your pulse.
Би түүнийг хараад танина.
Буруу: I know his face.
I know him by sight.
Би түрүүвчээ гэртээ мартжээ.
Буруу: I forgot wallet at home.
I left my wallet in the house.
Аравдугаар хуудсаас эхлэе.
Буруу: Let's begin from page 10.
Let's begin at (on) page 10.
Би Европ руу явмаар байсан боловч үнэтэй болохоор нь болисон.
Буруу: I wanted to go to Europe, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.
I wanted to go to Europe, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.
Би гэртээ харьж явна.
Буруу: I am going my home.
I am going home.
Түүний халуун буурсан.
Буруу: His temperature went down.
His temperature came down.
Мөнгөтэй бол надад өгөөч.
Буруу: Please give me money, if you have.
Please give me money, if you have any.
Тэр уншиж, бичиж чадахгүй.
Буруу: He cannot read and write.
He cannot read or write.
Чи хэдэн хийл вэ?
Буруу: How heavy are you?
How much do you weight?
Маргааш гэртээ байх уу?
Буруу: Are you home tomorrow?
Are you at home tomorrow?
Тэр ямархуу эмэгтэй вэ?
Буруу: How does she look like?
What does she look like?
Би үүнийг ийм аргаар хийсэн.
Буруу: This is the way how I did it.
This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.
Миний тэвчээр барагдлаа.
Буруу: There is a limit in my patience.
There is a limit to my patience.
Танайх байшиндаа галын даатгалтай юу?
Буруу: Did you have fire insurance for your house?
Is your house insured against fire?
Тэр тэргүүн байр эзэлжээ.
Буруу: She wins first prize.
She took first prize.
Галт тэрэг ойролцоогоор нэг цаг хоцорч байв.
Буруу: The train was late about an hour.
The train was about an hour late.
Би англи хэлнийхээ хичээлд 10 минут хоцорсон.
Буруу: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson.
I was ten minutes late for my English class.
Тэр амьдралынхаа төлөө тэмцэж байна.
Буруу: He is fighting for his life.
He is fighting for his bread.
Чи яагаад тэгэж хэлсэн бэ?
Буруу: Why do you say like that?
Why do you say that?
Надад амьдрах гэр орон байхгүй.
Буруу: I have no house to live.
I have no house to live in.
Наад халтар царайгаа толинд хараач!
Буруу: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.
What a dirty face! Look in the mirror
Тэр дээд амжилт тогтоолоо.
Буруу: He made a world record.
He set a world record.
Тэд миний санааг ойлгохгүй байна.
Буруу: They don't understand my mind.
They don't understand what I was thinking.
Та энд алджээ.
Буруу: This is where you mistake.
This is where you are mistaken.
Сэтгэл санаа минь өөдрөг байна.
Буруу: I felt good mood.
I am in a good mood.
Надад дахиад хоёр цаг өгөөч.
Буруу: Please allow me more two hours.
Please allow me two more hours.
Цаг зогсчихжээ.
Буруу: My watch doesn’t work.
My watch isn't running
Энд нэг аятайхан гутал байна.
Буруу: There are nice shoes.
Here is a nice pair of shoes.
Чимээгүй бай.
Don't be noisy.
Be quiet.
Өнөөдөр халуун өдөр байна.
Today is hot.
It's hot today.
Би хоёр жилийн англи хэлний курст явах гэж байна.
Буруу: I am going to go for two-year English class.
I am going to take a two-year course in English.
Обама Харвардын их сургуулийн оюутан байсан.
Буруу: Obama was a student of Harvard University.
Obama was a student at Harvard University.
Тэр түрүүчийнхээ эхнэрийн нэг хүүхэдтэй байсан.
Буруу: He had a child of his ex wife.
He had a child by his former wife.
Би үүнийг сониноос олж харсан.
Буруу: I saw it on the newspapers.
I read (saw) it in the newspapers.
Анн худалч, чи ч бас худалч.
Буруу: Ann is a liar and you too.
Ann is a liar, and you are too.
20-р хуудсыг нээгээрэй.
Буруу: Open page 20 of your books.
Open your books to page 20.
Гэрээ замбраагүй болгож битгий орхиорой.
Буруу: Don't make the house out of order.
Don't leave the house in a mess.
Энэ зөөлөн мах.
Буруу: This steak is soft.
This steak is tender.
Тэр намайг чангаар цохисон.
Буруу: He hit me strongly.
He hit me hard.
Миний цалин амьдралд хүрэлцэхгүй байна.
Буруу: My salary is not enough for my life.
My pay is not enough to live on.
Манай ээж өтгөн цай уух дуртай.
Буруу: My mother likes to drink thick tea.
My mother likes her tea strong.
Аав өнөөдөр үдээс хойш гэртээ байна.
Буруу: My father will be home today afternoon.
My father will be at home this afternoon.
Ээлжээ хүлээнэ үү?
Буруу: Wait for your turn, please.
Wait your turn, please.
Битгий их оройтоорой.
За, тэгнэ.
Буруу: Don't be too late.
Yes, I don’t.
Don’t be too late.
All right. I won’t.
Чи яагаад жолооны үнэмлэх авахгүй байгаа юм бэ?
Буруу: Why don't you take a driving license?
Why don't you get a driving license?
Нар зүүн зүгээс гардаг.
Буруу: The sun rises from the East.
Зөв: The sun rises in the East.
Бид далай руу явсан.
Буруу: We went to the ocean.
We went to the beach.
Энэ миний өрөөний түлхүүр.
Буруу: This is the key of my room.
This is the key to my room.
Энэ салатыг хэн хийсэн бэ?
Буруу: Who cooked this salad?
Who made this salad?
Танай машин зайтай юу?
Буруу: Is there any place for me in your car?
Is there any room for me in the car?
Би завтай.
Буруу: I have a free time.
I am free. I’m not busy.
Та надад үүнийг уншаад өгөхгүй юу? Бололгүй яахав.
Буруу: Would you mind reading it for me? Yes, certainly.
Would you mind reading it for me? Of course not. Not at all.
Бид маргааш сонсголын шалгалттай.
Буруу: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow.
We'll have a listening test tomorrow.
Надаас ялгаатай нь тэр англиар чөлөөтэй ярьдаг.
Буруу: Different from me, she is good in English.
Unlike me, she is proficient in English.
Ихэнх америкчууд том хамартай.
Буруу: Most Americans have big noses.
Most Americans have long noses.
Энэ хоосон сандал уу?
Буруу: Is this chair empty?
Is this seat taken?
Тэр надад найрсаг хандсан.
Буруу: He treated me very friendly.
He treated me in a friendly way
Энэ бол дэлхийн хамгийн том их дэлгүүр.
Буруу: This is the biggest department store of the world.
This is the largest department store in the world.
Тэр сайжирсан.
Буруу: He becomes better.
He got better.
Танд амралтаа ав гэж зөвлөх байна.
Буруу: I recommend you to take a vacation.
I recommend that you take a vacation.
Би ногоон өнгөнд дуртай.
Буруу: I like green color.
I like green.
Хүүхдэд үүнийг ойлгох хэцүү.
Буруу: Little children are difficult to understand that.
It is difficult for children to understand that.
Зүлгэн дээр бүү гишгэ.
Буруу: Don't step on the grass.
Keep off the grass.
Би сард хоёр удаа цалин авдаг.
Буруу: I get my salary twice a month.
I get paid twice a month.
Судсыг чинь барьж үзье.
Буруу: Let me examine your pulse.
Let me feel your pulse.
Би түүнийг хараад танина.
Буруу: I know his face.
I know him by sight.
Би түрүүвчээ гэртээ мартжээ.
Буруу: I forgot wallet at home.
I left my wallet in the house.
Аравдугаар хуудсаас эхлэе.
Буруу: Let's begin from page 10.
Let's begin at (on) page 10.
Би Европ руу явмаар байсан боловч үнэтэй болохоор нь болисон.
Буруу: I wanted to go to Europe, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.
I wanted to go to Europe, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.
Би гэртээ харьж явна.
Буруу: I am going my home.
I am going home.
Түүний халуун буурсан.
Буруу: His temperature went down.
His temperature came down.
Мөнгөтэй бол надад өгөөч.
Буруу: Please give me money, if you have.
Please give me money, if you have any.
Тэр уншиж, бичиж чадахгүй.
Буруу: He cannot read and write.
He cannot read or write.
Чи хэдэн хийл вэ?
Буруу: How heavy are you?
How much do you weight?
Маргааш гэртээ байх уу?
Буруу: Are you home tomorrow?
Are you at home tomorrow?
Тэр ямархуу эмэгтэй вэ?
Буруу: How does she look like?
What does she look like?
Би үүнийг ийм аргаар хийсэн.
Буруу: This is the way how I did it.
This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.
Миний тэвчээр барагдлаа.
Буруу: There is a limit in my patience.
There is a limit to my patience.
Танайх байшиндаа галын даатгалтай юу?
Буруу: Did you have fire insurance for your house?
Is your house insured against fire?
Тэр тэргүүн байр эзэлжээ.
Буруу: She wins first prize.
She took first prize.
Галт тэрэг ойролцоогоор нэг цаг хоцорч байв.
Буруу: The train was late about an hour.
The train was about an hour late.
Би англи хэлнийхээ хичээлд 10 минут хоцорсон.
Буруу: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson.
I was ten minutes late for my English class.
Тэр амьдралынхаа төлөө тэмцэж байна.
Буруу: He is fighting for his life.
He is fighting for his bread.
Чи яагаад тэгэж хэлсэн бэ?
Буруу: Why do you say like that?
Why do you say that?
Надад амьдрах гэр орон байхгүй.
Буруу: I have no house to live.
I have no house to live in.
Наад халтар царайгаа толинд хараач!
Буруу: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.
What a dirty face! Look in the mirror
Тэр дээд амжилт тогтоолоо.
Буруу: He made a world record.
He set a world record.
Тэд миний санааг ойлгохгүй байна.
Буруу: They don't understand my mind.
They don't understand what I was thinking.
Та энд алджээ.
Буруу: This is where you mistake.
This is where you are mistaken.
Сэтгэл санаа минь өөдрөг байна.
Буруу: I felt good mood.
I am in a good mood.
Надад дахиад хоёр цаг өгөөч.
Буруу: Please allow me more two hours.
Please allow me two more hours.
Цаг зогсчихжээ.
Буруу: My watch doesn’t work.
My watch isn't running
Энд нэг аятайхан гутал байна.
Буруу: There are nice shoes.
Here is a nice pair of shoes.
Чимээгүй бай.
Don't be noisy.
Be quiet.
Өнөөдөр халуун өдөр байна.
Today is hot.
It's hot today.
Би хоёр жилийн англи хэлний курст явах гэж байна.
Буруу: I am going to go for two-year English class.
I am going to take a two-year course in English.
Обама Харвардын их сургуулийн оюутан байсан.
Буруу: Obama was a student of Harvard University.
Obama was a student at Harvard University.
Тэр түрүүчийнхээ эхнэрийн нэг хүүхэдтэй байсан.
Буруу: He had a child of his ex wife.
He had a child by his former wife.
Би үүнийг сониноос олж харсан.
Буруу: I saw it on the newspapers.
I read (saw) it in the newspapers.
Анн худалч, чи ч бас худалч.
Буруу: Ann is a liar and you too.
Ann is a liar, and you are too.
20-р хуудсыг нээгээрэй.
Буруу: Open page 20 of your books.
Open your books to page 20.
Гэрээ замбраагүй болгож битгий орхиорой.
Буруу: Don't make the house out of order.
Don't leave the house in a mess.
Энэ зөөлөн мах.
Буруу: This steak is soft.
This steak is tender.
Тэр намайг чангаар цохисон.
Буруу: He hit me strongly.
He hit me hard.
Миний цалин амьдралд хүрэлцэхгүй байна.
Буруу: My salary is not enough for my life.
My pay is not enough to live on.
Манай ээж өтгөн цай уух дуртай.
Буруу: My mother likes to drink thick tea.
My mother likes her tea strong.
Аав өнөөдөр үдээс хойш гэртээ байна.
Буруу: My father will be home today afternoon.
My father will be at home this afternoon.
Ээлжээ хүлээнэ үү?
Буруу: Wait for your turn, please.
Wait your turn, please.
Битгий их оройтоорой.
За, тэгнэ.
Буруу: Don't be too late.
Yes, I don’t.
Don’t be too late.
All right. I won’t.
Чи яагаад жолооны үнэмлэх авахгүй байгаа юм бэ?
Буруу: Why don't you take a driving license?
Why don't you get a driving license?
Friday, September 10, 2010
"About myself"
My name is Azjargal.I`m not a famous person in the world,just,a chaste girl.
I think myself,I`m short and well-built.I have got long and black hair,large and brown eyes with flake and a thin upper lip and full lower lip.I always try that wear fitting clothes to me,of course,i like these.
Above,I have got a thin upper lip and full lower lip.According to the 5,000-year-old art of face reading,I work very hard and like participating in a lot of activities,so energetic.I`m ambitious as well,want to be successful in life. However,tend to be self-centered,because I seem to only care about myself and I sometimes forget about other people’s feelings.And I think about myself,I was communicating to everyone fluently when was a little girl.But,now I can`t do this everyday,so I want to try energetic.I like to be ambitious in limited.I know I`m self-centered,but I exert don`t be self-centered everytime.Add,I`m so romantic person,want someone/my lover/surprise me by heart,made by candles outside of my house.kkk.
My lifestyle is very simple.Go to school,little brother`s kindergarden,so,of course,look after him in the house,do the houseworks and help to my family and friends.On the other hand,I do something with Internet,Like living into the Internet,kkk.Oh,also I sing and dance in the my room.I love singing and dancing.
I`m faithless,so superstitious people are weariness to me.I only believe making my future myself.
And I like saying "Never,never,never give up"/Winston Churchill-English States man/.
I`m undistingulshed girl out to me.However,I`m ambition to be into me.
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